中学部2024-03-22 13:50:10

勤礼高中圣彼得 | Junior Retreat


Each school year during second semester, all Grade 11 students at St. Bede participate in a “Junior Retreat.” Taking place during a regularly scheduled school day, this event allows students who will soon embark on their final year before they graduate to “escape” or “take refuge” away from their normal routine. The purpose is to allow this group of students to separate themselves from their other schoolmates in order to look back at how they got here, and look ahead to where they are going. 

当每个学年的第二学期将要结束时,圣彼得都会为11年级的学生们举办“Junior Retreat”的活动。这个活动是在一个教学日进行的,所以学生们可以从日常课程中“逃离”一天。这次活动旨在给11年级的学生们提供一个机会,让他们回顾以及梳理高中旅程的收获,展望未来的目标。


One of the main goals of the retreat is to give students the ability to share their ideas openly and freely, so that they can be supported by their classmates. As a result, much of what is done and said during the retreat’s activities is intended to remain confidential. Indeed, this creates an atmosphere of trust and respect.



The focus of all many of the activities throughout the day is for students to form groups, where members learn to work together as a team, utilizing the strengths each individual can contribute. This is an invaluable lesson for them to carry with them for the rest of high school and into college.



One of the most impactful activities is called “Who Packed Your Parachute?” After hearing a story about jet-fighters needing to trust the people who pack their parachutes, the students break off into small groups and think about who in their life helps them to “pack their parachute.” Then, they write letters to those people, expressing their gratitude. They pack those letters in an envelope, and even include a symbolic piece of a parachute. Those letters are delivered the following week to the recipients. 




In another activity, the whole group sits in a circle, facing outward. A volunteer chooses a positive character trait, and the leader touches the shoulder of members who exhibit that trait. Then, those members come to the middle and go around the circle to find others who exhibit other positive traits. All of this shows the students how interconnected their strengths really are.






Once they return to school, the students are rejuvenated for the final stretch of the year.
